Want to explore more biological materials in our collection?

Besides microorganisms listed on our online catalog, there are still more than 80,000 strains of microorganisms currently collected in our Research Collection*. The collection houses a vast diversity of microorganisms that may possess properties of your interests. We offer a gateway for research organizations and companies to jointly work with our researchers to explore potential of these microorganisms.

Benefits of working together

1. Explore higher diversity of biological materials with lower material fee (for bulk screening).
2. Collaborative research offers more than research outcomes or products. It could lead to technological transfer, staff exchange and more.

These are few steps to start a collaboration

1. Contact us (tbrcservice@biotec.or.th) and briefly explain scope of your interest.
2. Discuss possibility of collaboration.
3. Sign non-disclosure agreement (if required by the collaborator) and discuss in detail.
4. Prepare and sign collaborative documents (i.e. project proposal and project agreement)

*Most of the microorganisms were identified based on morphology and/or biochemical tests.